[9:52 AM, 7/8/2018] आज की सत्ता: 👌👍 [9:52 AM, 7/8/2018] राजेन्द्र भगत जम्बू & कश्मीर: BJP’s moral halo has dissipated: Harsh - NATION WATCH - बदलते भारत की आवाज़ (MAGZINE)


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धर्म के नाम पर आरक्षण संविधान संवत नहीं- केंंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह*CISF के हवाले होगी जेवर इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट की सुरक्षा, रिपोर्ट तैयार*अमित शाह एडिटेड वीडियो मामले में जांच के लिए 6 राज्यों में रवाना हुईं दिल्ली पुलिस की टीमें*उत्तराखंड: बारिश से बुझी कुमाऊं इलाके के जंगलों में लगी आग*बिहार: भागलपुर में एनएच-80 पर सड़क हादसा, 6 लोगों की मौत*गुरुग्राम STF और दिल्ली पुलिस का ज्वाइंट ऑपरेशन, लॉरेंस गैंग के 2 शूटर गिरफ्तार*पश्चिम बंगाल: बशीरहाट से BJP प्रत्याशी और संदेशखाली की पीड़िता को मिली X कैटेगरी की सुरक्षा*5 मई को अयोध्या में रोड शो करेंगे पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी || [Nation Watch - Magazine - Title Code - UPHIND-48906]

Nation Watch

Sunday, July 8, 2018

[9:52 AM, 7/8/2018] आज की सत्ता: 👌👍 [9:52 AM, 7/8/2018] राजेन्द्र भगत जम्बू & कश्मीर: BJP’s moral halo has dissipated: Harsh

Hiranagar, 08-07-2018:  Appealing the people to strengthen and support Panthers Party, Mr. Harsh Dev Singh JKNPP Chairman today said that a regional party of Jammu alone could assuage the hurt psyche of Dogras and deliver justice to the hitherto neglected and incarcerated Dogra land. Accusing the BJP of back stabbing Dogras, he said that these self proclaimed champions of Jammu surrendered before the Kashmir centric forces immediately after attaining power by jettisoning even their own fundamentals. They not only acted in furtherance of the agenda of separatists during the three and a half year rule but abandoned all issues of Jammu to keep their ally in good humour, maintained Mr. Singh. And now on the eve of Parliamentary elections these saffron leaders have once again started harping over the old populous slogans to hoodwink the gullible masses in Jammu in a bid to regain their lost ground, said Harsh. He said that people could no longer be cajoled by such deceptive slogans as they had very well recognized the duplicitous character of BJP and seen through its opportunistic politics. He was addressing a huge public meeting in Hiranagar today alongwith party leaders Mr. Balwant Singh Mankotia and Mr. Yash Paul Kundal.
Accusing the BJP of acting as a petty accomplice with PDP during the last three years, Mr.  Harsh Dev Singh said that it needed to explain its appeasement of Kashmir in total disregard for Jammu’s sentiment after ascending the thrown of power. He said that it was the time to question the BJP about the promises that it made to its electorates during parliamentary and Assembly elections. “Not only did the BJP fail to keep its promises but inflicted the biggest dent upon Dogra pride and honour by its successive compromises and surrenders. It was with BJP support that PDP and other separatist forces succeeded in dubbing Dogras as ‘rapist supporters’. It was BJP govt at the centre and state that denied CBI probe in Rasana case, a demand which was most vociferously made not only by people of District Kathua but entire Dogra belt. The BJP remained a mute spectator despite an avalanche of protests held in support of CBI probe to unearth the truth in Kathua murder case. The BJP Ministers preferred to remain insulated in their cocooned and sanitized environment when Dogras were languishing on roads and protesting alongwith women and aged for justice in sun and rain. How can the people of Jammu and more particularly the people of Kathua who gave massive overwhelming mandate to BJP in both parliamentary as well as Assembly elections ever forget the humiliation heaped upon them”, said Harsh, adding that nightmarish experiences of BJP-PDP rule will continue to haunt the Dogras for years. The astounding betrayal of Dogras by BJP needs to be appropriately responded, said Harsh. “Let’s join hands to give a befitting reply for all their acts of treachery and subterfuge. Remember, it’s not the BJP of A.B Vajpayee or L.K Advani. It is not the BJP that followed the principals of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. Its moral halo has dissipated. It’s a pale forlorn shadow of its once vibrant self. Today’s BJP is a heterogeneous combination of political toddlers and turn coats from congress and other parties whose sole objective is to capture power by any means”, roared Harsh. Urging upon the people to say good bye to BJP, he urged upon them to embrace the dogma of NPP which was the lone crusader for the cause of Jammu.
Mr. Balwant Singh Mankotia and Mr. Yash Paul Kundal said that NPP had stood by the people of District Kathua from the very beginning and regularly participated in their protests besides courting arrests alongwith them for central probe in Rasana case. They said that some BJP men including an MLA had entered the Kathua movement as a part of larger conspiracy, tried to hijack the agitation and sabotage it on directions of BJP Chief. Cautioning the Dogras to beware of such politicians who were acting at the behest of BJP, the NPP leaders said that such politicians had a track record of changing colours like chameleon to subserve their vested political interests.
I Pointing towards the rumours of re-formation of govt in the wake of defections in other parties, Mr. Mankotia said that BJP could go to any extent for satiating its unending lust for power. He however cautioned the parties including BJP to study the anti defection law before indulging in any such mis-adventure.
Prominent among those who spoke on the occasion included Robin Sharma, Gagan Partap, Parshotam Parihar, Rajeshwar Singh, Adv. Sohan Singh, Satish Kala, Munish Dogra, Sandeep Sharma, Mintu Sharma, Ram Saran Dogra, Rajinder Singh, Manoj Gupta, Jagdish Raj, Capt. Narotam Singh, Mohinder Singh, Arun Khajuria besides others

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